Wednesday, May 22, 2013

PUCK weaver lengths

Brick-laid PUCK weavers are not guaranteed to come out commensurate with a loop unless they are either 1 or 2 squares in length. Thus the only universally applicable brick laid design is 2 squares in length with a phase shift of 1 (2/1,) which is probably too short an overlap between weavers.

Shingle-laid weavers can be any length, and thus can have any amount of overlap, but, again, to come out even around a loop, the only universally applicable phase shifts are either 1 or 2 squares. But a 1-square phase shift cannot give strapped-down edges. Also, odd lengths cannot give strapped-down edges.

Thus the practical choices for PUCK weavers are n/2 shingle-laid, where n is an even integer. Since 2/2 shingle-laid gives zero overlap, the only choices are shingle-laid:
4/2—basket is 4 layers thick,
6/2—basket is 6 layers thick,
8/2—basket is 8 layers thick, etc.

Even 6/2 probably makes it too difficult to complete a closed basket, and six layers thick is probably excessive. 4/2 shingle-laid may be the only practical option at this point.

4/2 shingle-laid weavers have simple splicing: the first 3-way crossing settles the splicing pattern in all three loops as these images show. That is, there is only one option for where to place new weavers in each direction so that the splice is strapped-down by the finished crossing.

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