Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The smallest simple planar quadrangulations

The smallest simple planar (aka, spherical) quadrangulation has 3 vertices, so let's call it Q3. Q3 has one face (exemplifying the rule that all planar quadrangulations have 2 more vertices than faces.) Many authorities, the authors of the plantri program included, do not classify Q3 as a quadrangulation because the boundary of its face is not a cycle, but we include it here. There is also a unique simple planar quadrangulation for 4 vertices, and likewise for 5 vertices, so we will call them Q4 and Q5:

Now we come to a great divide in the realm of simple planar quadrangulations. There are two simple planar quadrangulations with 6 vertices, so we will have to distinguish them as Q6.1 and Q6.2:

But that is not the great divide. Q6.1 and Q6.2 are the smallest simple planar quadrangulations with a separating 4-cycle (aka, a non-facial 4-cycle.) A non-facial 4-cycle outlines a locus where we can imagine two separate quadrangulations have been glued face-to-face at a single quad face. Notice that if we glue two planar quadrangulations (SPQ's) together at more than one face, the result takes us outside the SPQ class: the compound is no longer a quadrangulation of a sphere, either by virtue of achieving a higher topology, or having at least one edge that is not embedded in the surface.

In this sense an SPQ with a non-facial 4-cycle is composite. For example, it is easy to see how both Q6.1 and Q6.2 could have been formed by gluing together two copies of Q5 together at a single face.

Of course the business of gluing quadrangulations together can be iterated, but all subsequent attachments must be arranged in a tree-like pattern. If we ever form a closed circuit of SPQ's, we will have made a torus rather than a sphere.

It is very handy that compositions of SPQ's are always tree-like. A tree graph always has at least two leaf-edges that are attached to the rest of the tree at only one point. So a composite SPQ always has at least two leaf components that are attached to the rest of the composition by a single non-facial 4-cycle. If we possess reduction rules that reduce such a component down to its one non-facial 4-cycle, we will discover that the 4-cycle in question is no longer non-facial, so we can move on to another of its (once again, at least two) leaf components. In this way, as Fuchs and Gellert point out, we never need to operate on a vertex that lies in a non-facial 4-cycle.

Degree-2 vertices are not so useful for enclosing volume, and are easily folded down when they occur; mainly we are only interested in degree-2 vertices when they are necessary stepping stones to growing a less baroque shape. Interest therefore turns to certain more restricted classes of simple planar quadrangulations. Several restricted classes can be generated in plantri and then copy-and-pasted as sparse6 codes to be rendered in 3d at SageMathCell.

The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences has enumerations of these SPQ classes: A113201: simple planar quadrangulations; A078666: simple planar quadrangulations, minimum degree-3; A007022: simple planar quadrangulations, 3-connected; A002880: simple planar quadrangulations, 3-connected, without separating 4-cycles;

Per Nagashima et al., a simple quadrangulation (>Q5) with no separating 4-cycle is 3-connected; and if it is 3-connected it is also minimum degree-3, so A002880 more generally counts all simple planar quadrangulations with no separating 4-cycles having at least 6 vertices. The count is unaffected by adding "3-connected," or "minimum-degree-3" as constraints.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Growing by unfolding the 3-connected planar quadrangulations

Building on work by Batagelj, Brinkmann et al. proved that the 3-connected planar quadrangulations (3CPQ's) can be derived from the pseudo-double wheels, W2k for k >= 3, via two local expansion operations P1 and P3, illustated above. An example of a pseudo-double wheel, W14, is illustrated below.
P1 is basically a surgery on the surface. By slitting edges and vertices along any path of three vertices, a quad-shaped wound opens that can be healed with new surface. Applied without restriction, this operation can generate any quadrangulation, but Brinkmann et al. enforce restrictions that make it possible to realize P1 by unfolding triangulated quadrangles. P3 can also be realized by a twist unfolding of triangulated quads, popping a 2-sided square into a cube in a single move. Here is an example that starts from a square (2 faces, and not 3-connected) and ends with 16 faces, and 3-connected.